But I value my solo time

 Do you ever just make up scenarios in your head? Because I do this on a daily basis. I mean all types of scenarios! Ok, for example, today I went for a long walk in the Edinburgh countryside. Threipmuir Reservoir to be exact. Beautiful walk by the way, throughly recommend. I walk down to the water edge where there is a slither of sand bordering the reservoir and the scene is just beautiful. The water is sparkling in the late August sun and I take my phone out to get a picture. It’s at this point I decide this is what is gunna make me an internet sensation! When I get these images people are going to go made for the beautiful scenes I capture- I think about all the money I’ll rake in and freebies I’ll obviously get. Northface, Adidas, Mountain Warehouse (are they still about?) they will all be looking to get an Ad on my socials. It’s at this point I come crashing down to reality. A couple walking hand in hand have appeared and suddenly I have a wave of embarrassment come over me. I’m prancing about taking selfies, posing….retaking the selfies because I look too much like me, and I realise I’m too much of an introvert to start up this social media career. I mean, staring at a phone just looking at myself that’s fine but if I was to talk to a room full of people, well I can’t think of anything more intimidating. I still dream of it though. Not sure why. It’s like when your 7 or 8 Years old and dream of being a popstar, singing on stage to 1000s, but you can’t even sing in the school play to 50 parents without getting extreme social anxiety. Anyway, I know my grammar is pants but this is my reality and well, I simply can’t be arsed proof reading either. Maybe one day I will care about my grammar just like my dad says one day I’ll be interested in the family tree he’s currently working on-hmmm one day… perhaps. Anyway…. To get to the point…. I value my solo time. 
